Everything You Need You Have Book Review

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I am at a phase in my life where I am looking for some calmness within myself and the Gerad Kite’s  Everything You Need  You Have has give few examples which I would like to take forward and practice in my life. Our thoughts are always racing towards future or stuck in the past. Gerad Kite takes readers on a journey of finding oneself and to be in the present. I loved the example of the Pendulum. Pendulum is always in motion like our lives. We do find balance now and then but its when we are high up on the pendulum which is the pivot point of the pendulum  we find calmness and that's where everything is stable . Such a wonderful example to apply to our life's actions and thoughts.

This book is about how we all already have everything we need to be happy and at peace with ourselves and was a very interesting read and definitely perspective-changing.
It also reminds us that one can do something for others if we do something for ourselves first.


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