VIP Voice

VIP Voice


Join VIP Voice and complete surveys for VIP Points and be entered into $1000 Registration Sweepstakes. 

 VIP Points can be used for sweepstakes entries and auctions. Prizes include vacations, electronics, appliances, and more. New Drive to 5 promotion, complete five surveys to earn an additional 1,000 VIP Points.
Talking Points:
  • Once you confirm your registration, you will be eligible to begin taking surveys. Plus, you will automatically be entered into our $1,000 Registration Sweepstakes!
  • For each survey you complete, you will earn VIP points. With our tiered rewards program, the more surveys you take the more points you earn. -Use points in sweepstakes and auctions for great rewards. Prizes include vacations, electronics, appliances, and much more.
Disclosure: I am being compensated for this post. are affiliate links I will receive compensation if you sign up through my links.


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