Path(exercise &water)

Many a times we act on the spur of the moment leaving no room for rationality.I have succumbed to one such act in the past by showing up in the gym to melt that stubborn fat and get that well toned body by working out for 30mins and ...BOOM!! I vanished from the gym after that day.

Such shot pulses continued for more than year until I was introduced to "the moment of truth" in the form of a book by Bob Greene "Total body make over" I personally felt that the best part of the book was the emotional foundation that he provided by sharing the experiences of people in real life the way they got motivated, the goals they set and the pain they took to achieve those goals.To me everything he wrote in that book made sense as I could relate myself to the pre-make over experiences shared by people in that book.It was really a life changing one for me. I might not be the 10 on 10 person when it comes to fitness as I told you I am continuing my own journey of being fit but once I kept my focus in right direction I was amazed at how much more I can do both in personal and professional life.

Take it slow but be consistent…...
Start going to gym…2 twice a week for 15-20 mins try to increase the frequency 3 times a week and later push it to 5 times a week.

No excuses
Come on..30 mins of your time in 24hrs for yourself!!! You can do that

At any point don't give up. This is not an easy path. If you can't go to gym in your apartment or can't workout alone join the fitness centers. Their kick boxing, weight lifting ,aerobics classes will be amazing. If you can't make it to gym or fitness centers make your house your personal gym.There are TV channels which provide the exercise programs and also some online sites which have exercise tips and programs. You can buy a workout DVD …anything..anything that you can but remember "NO Excuse".

keep yourself motivated all the time. There are thousands of men and women trying to be fit and they are in fact reaching their goals. The best thing to keep yourself motivated is enroll your self into a 5k race/walk work towards it.You will eventually know the results. Read good books or magazines on food & fitness . Join free fitness or health forums.

Drinking water

Well I used to drink water only when I was thirsty. I missed the whole point of drinking water. First and foremost it flushes out the toxins in our body. It helps in healthy skin.
Now the tough part is how do you drink if you don’t like drinking water much??
What I did…???
I started off drinking green tea( hot water +lemon flavored green tea).Then I got a bottle ,placed it at my desk at work and one at home and made sure I drank 1 full bottle before I leave the office and the other before I got to bed :)…Slowly without much notice I started drinking water on regular basis without any count.


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