The Path

Excuses …excuses I have given them all through my life..This has been a never ending saga in my life .I used to wonder how a person could be so successful?? Be it sports, studies, entertainment…Wondered all my life how people could achieve fame and success.

The secret to their success is that they know that success can't be achieved overnight .They know they have to work day and night to achieve what they want "no excuse" at any point of time.They carried the same into every walk of their lives..

So I have decided that I will not give any excuse no matter how difficult it is...I will go ahead and do what I want to..Because I want to be successful.I am taking this into every walk of my life and I am able to see the results... I would encourage each and everyone one of you to get out and do your thing :)..As I told you as I go on publishing my blog I will be on my own journey to be fit. I am sure I can't lose my stubborn fat overnight.. I made a contract with myself that I will be consistent with my workout and my diet and I know I will see the results eventually..
Coming to actual essence of this blog (fitness & health!)

These are 3 things that must be done
• Exercise 5 times a week
Eat healthy
o 2-3 servings of vegetables
o 2-3 servings of fruits
• Drink good amount of water(6-8 cups)a day. It’s simple :)

I know I know ...….yeah it’s not as easy as it seems..Let me put my experiences here(in next posts)


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